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Literary Translation Workshops

Three literary translation workshops by leading translators from Dutch to English. Open to anyone with a sound knowledge of Dutch and native-speaker level English. Free to participate.

Due to the popularity of our previous series of translation workshops, Flip Through Flanders and New Dutch Writing are launching another three online translation workshops as part of their campaigns to promote Dutch literature in translation from Flanders and the Netherlands in the UK, and to nurture the next generation of translators. Each two hour workshop will be led by a leading translator from Dutch to English and will focus on a 1-2 page literary text. Details of the workshops are:

  • Kristen Gehrman Fiction workshop on Friday 20th October from 10.00 – 12.00 (Dutch time) /  09.00 – 11.00 (UK time)
  • David McKay non Fiction workshop on Thursday 23rd November from 17.00 – 19.00 (Dutch time) /  16.00 – 18.00 (UK time)
  • Anna Asbury and Laura Vroomen, Graphic Novel workshop on Monday 4th December  10.00 – 12.00 (Dutch time) / 09.00 – 11.00 (UK time)

Anyone with an interest in translation can take part in the workshop, whether you are a multilingual keen reader who has always wanted to have a go at literary translation, or a professional translator of any sort. All that is required is a sound knowledge of Dutch, native-speaker level English and a lot of enthusiasm! All workshops are free to participants and will take place online. 

Please email Rachel Toogood, Producer for Flip Through Flanders and New Dutch Writing at NewDutchWriting2020@gmail.com by Monday 4 September, with your details, a short paragraph about yourself and why you would like to take part in the workshop and which workshop you would prefer to take part in. Please note that if the workshops are over-subscribed, priority will be given to people who have not taken part in a workshop before. 

The series of translation workshops is part of New Dutch Writing, a campaign funded and organised by the Dutch Foundation for Literature. And Flip Through Flanders, an an initiative that promotes Dutch-language literature from Flanders across the UK and Ireland. For more information see https://www.newdutchwriting.co.uk and https://www.flandersliterature.be/flip-through-flanders


translation / fiction / non-fiction

23 Nov